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Monday, 29 July 2013

How to Know Jesus As Your Personal Saviour

Jesus said, Unless you be born again, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God(St.John 3:3). A life of meaning and purpose is found, "at your door"! Jesus said, "See, I stand at the door and knock, and if any hear my voice, open the door and invite me in; I will come in and we will feast together..."(Revelation 3:20)
This may be from an Evangelist and brought to you by the Spirit of God so you can say:
"I'd been lost and I'm now found again!"

    You may have not done so many of certain bad things like "theft, assault, drinking alcohol excessively, or drug abuse", and so on but you discover that all have sinned in other ways like not taking life seriously, being intimate with the opposite sex a lot and not being truthful to other people.

You can live a new life and tell people to know that it is great to be a Born Again Christian.

Step 1

Recognize that, according to The Bible, you are a sinner and have fallen short of God's standard. You have broken God's Law (the 10 commandments). 

You must understand that you are a natural-born-sinner, and deserve God's punishment for your selfish ways. Although, you must also take into consideration that certain groups of Jesus' early followers did not see things this way.

Step 2

You must come to the Biblical understanding that Christ died for you, and that his death on the cross was his paying the penalty for your sins and mine. 

He willingly took the punishment for you while you were like a stranger and like an "enemy."

Step 3

According to Christianity consistent with the Bible you must repent and turn away from your sins once and for all. 

Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and surrender your life to Him. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. "All things can work out for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to God's purpose." You can start to gain ground as a Brother of Jesus, and your ways can be in the light beyond the tunnel.
  • Confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and agreeing with Jesus means: be born again of water and the Spirit to enter into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5)
Step 4

Get yourself a Bible and start reading it. 

Then follow up that with readings in the Bible, the Holy canon. Come to realize that there have been several books deemed sacred by some that were abandoned in the process of canonization by agreement to the consistency of doctrine and to the historical accuracy.

Step 5

Find yourself a church that believes in salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus alone as opposed to an alternative tradition and see which would bring agreement and peace in faith. 

You may want to start a Ministry of Holy Spirit for ALL who believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, believing that all good Churches are one and the word of God is one for ALL generations.

Step 6

Talk to a pastor, or any other kind of Christian, such as a spiritual leader -- and tell him about the decision you have just made for Christ, and get Baptised to publicly proclaim the spiritual transformation and faith you now have.

Step 7

Receive Christ by repentance, confessing your sins to God and pray and ask to receive the Holy Spirit

Step 8

Avoid sabotaging your prayer life so be sure to pray effectually. "And when you pray, use no vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." (Matthew 6:7)[1]. Believe and accept that God already knows and cares...

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